Hmm... I moved the page because I know of a case where someone's cluster got screwed while they tried it...

If you still want the full DIY, click here.

Otherwise, the easy way to do the DIY is listed just below, but its a little more expensive, but its recommended.

sorry if this looks like it was thrown together.. because, well, it was :)

1. indicator lights (below)
2. a/c controls
3. other dash switches (cruise ctl, rear defrost, dimmer knob...)

CHANGING THE INDICATOR LIGHTS: (like the Check Engine light, etc...)
    the original DIY was how to pull apart the cluster, cut it up and solder LEDs... it worked for me, but it is kinda risky.

    parts needed:
            some colored plastic, matching the color of your LEDs- i used the side of a binder i got from office max. ive tried 2- look at [fig 1]
            enough LEDs to do the change.  depends on how many indicators you have / want to change.  they need to be TWELVE VOLT leds-
                   not the normal 3 volt ones at most electronics stores, and they need to have a base that matches a size 74 bulb- see figure 1 for an example.
                   a place to get perfect ones from, its the 4th one down
            a pair of long nose pliers, with electrical tape wrapped around the tips.

    1. pull out the gauge cluster, and pop off the front plastic bubble lense thing, it is held on by clips around the outside.  once its off the cluster should be just a 2 inch thick white plastic set of gauges.  pull off the black plastic trim that goes around the gauges.

    2. at the top edge of the front, peel off the colored stickers (for a 92/93) or pop out each of the colored plastics (for a 90/91)  (colored blue in figure 2)

    3. using the pliars, pull the stock bulbs out from the front, from each hole (the electrical tape is to grip the glass bulb) - do NOT squeeze too tight, ull break the bulbs!

    4. using the pliars, insert the LEDs back into the slots.  make sure the LEDs have a flat tip (use a dremel or sandpaper if necessary) before putting them in :)

    5. cut out the correct shape out of the plastic and put it over the LEDs (see figure 2)  keep it there w/ some clear scotch tape.

NOTICE:  with LEDs it matters which direction they are inserted.  with normal bulbs, it doesnt.  so after you go thru and install all the LEDs, chances are, some of them wont light up- you need to pull those ones out, turn them 180°, and insert them again.  a small price to pay for sexy blueness.  see the [done] pic below.


plastic.jpg (45618 bytes)       74led.jpg (7613 bytes)<--notice the flat tip and the plastic base
            [figure 1]

02-right-indicators-filter.jpg (52731 bytes)03-left-indicators-filter.jpg (42100 bytes)05-gas-light-filter.jpg (25301 bytes)
               [figure 2]


18-blue_guages.jpg (105063 bytes)